Muzzle Blasts Online

...for the muzzleloading enthusiast

The domain, subdomains, content, etc., are neither affiliated with the NMLRA nor its paper magazine Muzzle Blasts

Muzzle Blasts Online
Muzzle Blasts Online Cover
Oct 1997/Nov 1997 Volume 2, Number 5


A message from the publisher

In the spring of 2000, the NMLRA withdrew support for Muzzle Blasts Online and the electronic publication ceased adding content.

One of the founder's and current owner has chosen, at his personal expense, to maintain the content for the benefit of the blackpowder community.

Please enjoy.

Editor's Welcome

Welcome to Muzzle Blasts Online . If you have not noticed Muzzle Blasts Online has moved to it's own site, WWW.MUZZLEBLASTS.COM. Over the next several months you will begin to see some changes and new features. As always we are interested in our readers comments and suggestions.

In this issue we have information on shooting single shot pistols provided by Bruce Rodd. Charlie Maggard takes us squirrel hunting in Arizona. Thomas "Swanny" Swan offers good advice on safe gun handling in the field, and John Woolfolk reminisces about "Old Scarface." We hope you enjoy the latest issue of our E-Zine.

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